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Engineering Education Australia is conducting a micro credential pilot for an ethics badge using TWI's Ethics Awareness Inventory (EAI).  The engineering professional organization, Engineers Australia, is currently conducting an ethics audit pilot for its professionals also using the EAI..


The Williams Institute for Ethics and Management is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. 

Our purpose is promoting ethics in community.

Ethics is about people and their relationships with one another, it is not  about rules, regulations and polices alone. This is the foundation of TWI’s approach to our education assessments and training. It unlocks the transformative potential of ethical awareness and behavior. Ethics is far more than following policies and conduct codes—it is about having the will and decision making skills to do what is right.  Through TWI's personal and organizational ethics assessments and our training programs, we equip people with the tools and skills to make better, more consistent ethical decisions, both professionally and personally--to do what is right.


We are committed to helping promote ethical thinking and behavior by offering both educators and students programs.

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We believe in empowering people to live better lives--providing the awareness and tools for making better life choices.

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We believe transparency, social responsibility, and ethical transformation are essential elements for the competitive business.

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We believe public servants expect ethical action, respect, accountability, and effectiveness from each other and leaders.

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The Ethics Learning Instrument

You've Been Searching For

Check out the revised online Ethics Awareness Inventory (EAI) below!  Now in HTML, the EAI is device responsive (can even be taken on your smart phone) and has several interface and navigation updates that make the EAI applicable for any learning environment.  The EAI is a powerful tool for developing ethical competency.

Not only an instructive personal ethics assessment, the EAI is a practical and comprehensive ethics learning process composed of three sections: Ethical Awareness, Articulation and Application/Action.

With its statistical reliability and validity, the EAI, completed by over 690,000 individualshas been used by universities, government agencies, and businesses to provide sound ethical learning to students and employees since 1995.

Online Personal and Organizational Assessments

For EAI and ECW, click here.

Preview Online Assessments.


Announcing the

Global Alliance for Transformative Ethics 

The Institute for Working Futures in Australia and TWI have formed an alliance to promote professional ethics awareness across the Asia-Pacific region.  Our aim is to provide access to various means for building greater capacity for ethical decision making in organisations through research-based self-assessment tools that empower moral judgment, positive action and personal responsibility. The initiative challenges and supports disruption of old, often failed and counter-productive, approaches to ethics in the workplace and promotes in its place a transformative approach to ethics in professions. It is a foundational premise of the Alliance that ethics is not about rules and regulations in isolation from society; ethics is ultimately about people and their relationships with one another.

                            Comment about the EAI

"I love using the EAI with my students because it gives real life language, concepts and application to the ethical systems that are presented in an outdated manner in our textbook. The tool I find most useful is the "frustrations" section. I used it to really teach listening skills, both internally and externally. The students in my classroom had to name their frustrations when doing case study analysis and express disagreement using values language. It's all around my favorite exercise with my students.  Looking forward to working with you in the fall."




We are committed to helping promote ethical thinking and behavior by offering both educators and students programs.

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We believe in empowering people to live better lives--providing the awareness and tools for making better life choices.

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We believe transparency, social responsibility, and ethical transformation are essential elements for the competitive business.

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We believe public servants expect ethical action, respect, accountability, and effectiveness from each other and leaders.

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